
I use Tumblr mostly as a way to procrastinate.  This will not do.  I have things I need to get done.  I have things I need to deal with.  I’ve gotten to the point where I just can’t afford the distraction.  There are important, important things that I’d put off if I could because no matter how important those things are to my future—to my present—I’d put them off if I could. 

So I’m taking a break from social media.  Mostly Tumblr and Instagram.  I don’t know how long this break will be.  I’m thinking somewhere between 1 week and 3 months.  If I can stand it, closer to 3 months.

While I’m away I’m going to be rethinking some of the themes of my blogs—mostly this one, which is my main—and when I come back expect something more focused and with more original posts.  Well, with any original posts, because, let’s face it, I don’t do that much.  

So, the blogs that will be affected by this break of mine (my main and side blogs) are:

I’ll be back when I figure some shit out.

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